New reducing agent in metallurgy:
Carbosil – E
Highly reactive coke substitute for ferroalloy and other industries.
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With the production of ferroalloys it allows to reduce:
to 1 , 3 times
Reducing agent consumption
to 1 , 5 times
Power consumption
to 10 times
Dust emissions
to 2 times
Product loss with slag
Applications Carbosil-E
– highly reactive reducing new generation spec. fuel for firing
processes. Substitute classical coke in electrometallurgy;
– highly reactive reductant processes for producing ferroalloys, as
well as pure elements, such as silicon;
– In the production of crystalline silicon, ferrosilicon (FeSi), manganese
alloy (FeMn, FeSiMn); chromium alloy (FeCr, FeSiCr); silicocalcium all brands
– Active carburizer for steelmaking
Chemical industry
– Intermediate for producing sorbents;
– Highly efficient sorbents and catalysts;
– Spets.toplivo for process
– household smokeless briquettes
– high emission filters
– clean gaseous fuel
– materials industrial water treatment, for special purposes, purification
of sewage,
– sorbents for oil spill response, lubricants.
– environmentally friendly gaseous fuels

The best solution for the coal industry
For coal extraction from great depths used mine.
For concentrators, mining and processing enterprises, integrated holdings.
You will be able to obtain products with high added value, using as a starting material coals of grades D and F – ordinary grades of coal generally suitable for use in thermal power generation.
The technology is applicable to the processing of screenings of coal and coal prone to caking, oxidized coal. All fractions are used as intended, without waste.
The worsening conditions of competition in the international coal markets, it is the quality and range of products offered to consumers are crucial for development.
An excellent choice for metallurgy
Science and Technology
Today metallurgists make high demands for performance and technical and economic characteristics of its furnaces.
To meet these requirements we have for the past 5 years he led the development and testing of advanced reducing agents and equipment for their manufacture, which allows to obtain a highly modern and cheaper product to replace coke.
Major industrialized proven benefits:

Prospective investment
Alocation of capital in order to profit.
Invest in innovation in the coal market!
Our project will reduce the time to conquer a promising niche of new high-margin products of coal processing.